About Us
Ten years ago, I could no longer stand the clutter and food waste happening in my fridge. I also dreaded the drudgery of kitchen clean-up time, knowing that the time spent putting away the leftovers (hunting for lids, wrapping and bagging) often turned out to be a total waste of time – because quite often the kids and spouse could never seem to find the good eats in the fridge, so things got forgotten and spoiled…a lot!
So I made a homemade version of the product...I was shocked that it actually solved my everyday problem of clutter in the fridge. In fact, it solved A LOT of problems all at once and when my family and friends came over, they kept saying, “Oh my gosh, if you make this I will buy it!”...
It took me those three years to make the decision to actually create the real product. My former career was in healthcare, as a nurse, and I had no experience with product development and manufacturing...But, I had the very strong belief that this product would really help a lot of people...
It has been a quite the journey and learning curve at every turn! After a lot of research & development, and a couple of issued patents, I located a great manufacturer! After four years of redesign and revisions, the FridgeDecks Storage System was born, yay! After a few additional dilemmas and delays, here we are -- finally launching the Original FridgeDecks Organizer to the world!
Wishing You A Happy Kitchen Life!
Mel and The FridgeDecks Team